Episode 38: With Angela Luu, on transforming legal processes with design thinking

E38 Angela Luu

As the title suggests, this podcast is all about unearthing a new perspective on risk.

My guests are experts in their fields where they impact risk either directly or indirectly. My interviews aim to lift the lid on risk and rip it apart to give you a whole new perspective on it.

My name’s Lisa Sisson and I am founder of risk consultancy, Unearth. I’m also becoming known somewhat as a “Risk Rebel”.

At Unearth we believe that risk starts and ends with people. Equally, we believe that opportunity starts and ends with people. So if you’re not looking at risk with, through and by your people, then you are not only leaving your organisation exposed to risk, you are also not opening up the opportunities that a people-centred risk strategy will deliver.

When you think about inviting a lawyer onto a podcast with a risk management rebel, you might expect a snooze fest. But if you know our host, Lisa, you know she’s always about shifting perspectives and uncovering golden opportunities for you, our listeners.

In this episode, Lisa is joined by Angela Luu, the senior manager in Herbert Smith Freehills’ (HSF) innovative Digital Legal Delivery Team, specialising in ‘Legal Design.’

So, what is ‘Legal Design’? According to Angela, it’s “the application of the designer’s mindset, methods, and techniques to law to improve the usability of legal communications and content.” Angela shares how her unique interests have propelled her to lead this groundbreaking area, transforming traditional legal documents, like ‘Terms and Conditions,’ into clear and accessible tools. For too long, legal documents have created barriers and confusion. Rethinking their creation can revolutionize their impact, making them truly user-friendly. Because at the end of the day, legal documents and agreements are for people.

Angela busts some myths along the way, while she and Lisa explore how ‘Legal Design’ can enhance legal processes, align with organisational identities, and deepen client understanding for greater success. Topics discussed include:

    • The perception of lawyers as part of a privileged world.
    • The challenges of working in a digital age with content overload, especially for lawyers.
    • Navigating the attention economy where every platform vies for our focus.
    • The competition lawyers face when sharing useful, actionable information in a crowded digital space.
    • How the Banking Royal Commission has led clients to rethink the drafting of terms and conditions.
    • A case study: Unearth’s use of the design method in a critical project.
    • The evolving role of lawyers in the face of technological advancements and digital service delivery.
    • Lawyers moving beyond risk assessment to opening mindsets to opportunities.
    • The importance of aligning solution representations with organisational identity to enhance client understanding and satisfaction.
    • The evolving skill set of lawyers, incorporating technology, project management, and legal design to provide proactive, creative client solutions.
    • Utilising design thinking and empathy mapping to understand client needs, emotions, and motivations for better communication and collaboration.
    • The importance of pausing before jumping to solutions to thoroughly understand the problem first.
    • The value of asking “why” multiple times to gain deeper insights into challenges.
    • The significance of transparency and open communication in creating a safe space for discussing project goals, risks, and opportunities.
    • Crafting a narrative that highlights the project’s benefits for all stakeholders, avoiding spin.

Join us for an enlightening conversation that will reshape how you work with lawyers and open your eyes to the transformative power of ‘Legal Design.’

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