Unlock the True Potential of Risk Management with PROTECT

At Unearth, we believe that risk starts and ends with people, which is why people are at the core of the Unearth Risk System. 

We’re transforming how organisations approach risk with our ‘Protect the House’ framework.

Are you frustrated with the constant struggle to manage risks effectively in your organisation?

We understand the pressure you’re under. The traditional approach to risk management often feels like an endless cycle of ticking boxes and complying with regulations, leaving you exposed and vulnerable to unforeseen threats and risks. This not only hampers and impedes your team’s ability to perform their roles but also leaves you feeling uncertain and frustrated about your organisation’s resilience and how to effectively ‘PROTECT The House,’ your house. Sometimes, it can feel like a battlefield with no sign of an honest victory, especially as your tick box grows.

The Hidden Cost of Ineffective Risk Management

When risk management is reduced to mere compliance, it doesn’t just impact the efficiency of your operations—it threatens the very foundation of your business. The long-term consequences of this approach can be significant:


  • Operational Disruptions: Unmanaged risks can lead to significant disruptions, halting your business processes and affecting productivity.

  • Financial Losses: Failure to proactively manage risks can result in substantial financial losses due to unforeseen incidents.

  • Reputational Damage: Your organisation’s reputation can suffer, leading to a loss of trust among stakeholders and customers.

  • Employee Morale: A culture focused solely on compliance can lead to one of the most understated and quiet threats to an organisation by having disengaged employees who feel like they are undervalued.

How We Can Help

At the heart of effective risk management is a shift in mindset that sees people as the key to managing risks, not just potential liabilities. Our PROTECT framework can help elevate your current risk management practice.

Imagine turning your employees into proactive “risk sensors” who actively participate in identifying and mitigating risks. By embracing our people-centred approach, you can transform risk management practices and create a resilient, adaptable organisation.


Activate your people to become your greatest risk management asset, not your greatest risk.

Risk Lens

People are at the centre of risk and fall under two categories:

1. Risk to a person
2. Risk by a person.


The origin of risk is presented through the Unearth Risk Model which consists of four principles:

1. Predisposition
2. Stressors
3. Triggers
4. Onset


Build confidence through your people.


Maximise the work environment.


A "win with" mindset empowers collaboration as one team and forms a common language for clarity.

Tool kit

Right tools for the right job. Expertise, skills, knowledge, processes and innovative technology capabilities.

As discussed earlier, emphasise the importance of individuals within the organisation and their role in risk management. People are the potential source of risks and the primarya sset in mitigating them. Activate and empower people within the organisation to become proactive participants in risk management rather than liabilities. By fostering a culture of accountability, awareness, and engagement, individuals can contribute their insights and expertise to identify and address risks effectively.

Highlighting the need for a clear perspective on risk and recognising that people are central to risk. The “risk lens” framework categorises risks into two main categories: “risk to a person” and “risk by a person.” This distinction allows for a nuanced understanding of how individuals can be affected by and contribute to organisational risk. Understanding a people-centred approach to risk involves ensuring current processes or developing a structured approach will identify, assess, and prioritise risks, ensuring that decision-making is informed by a thorough understanding of potential threats and opportunities “to” and “by” people.

The “Origin of Risk” principle, based on the people-centred approach to risk, explores the underlying factors that contribute to risk, including predisposition, stressors, triggers, and onset. By identifying and understanding these factors, organisations can realise a person’s potential “risk cocktail” and look to address root causes and develop and implement more targeted risk mitigation strategies.

[S4R: The first three letters, “PRO”, are key to Unearth’s System4Risk (S4R), which makes a powerful lens that allows organisations to explore risks and threats beyond traditional “tick boxes”.]

Recognising the importance of trust within the organisation. Building trust among employees is essential for effective risk management. When employees trust in the organisation and feel trusted and valued by the organisation, they are more likely to raise concerns, proactively identify and address risks, communicate openly and share insights, and collaborate effectively towards shared goals.

 Internally, maximising the work environment involves creating conditions that promote safety, well-being, and productivity. This could include measures to enhance physical safety, foster a supportive culture, encourage work-life balance, and provide opportunities for growth and development. The broader organisational and external environment in which risk management takes place could include factors such as industry trends, regulatory requirements, technological advancements, and socio-economic factors that influence the risk landscape.

Encouraging a ‘safe zone’ and ‘win with’ mindset fosters collaboration and teamwork across the organisation. By aligning goals, sharing information, and leveraging collective expertise, teams can work together more effectively to manage risks and capitalise on opportunities. Collaboration encourages cross-functional dialogue (internally and externally), knowledge sharing, and collective problem-solving, strengthening the organisation’s ability to identify and address risks proactively.

Highlighting the importance of having the right tools and resources to support the business and employees, if critical, for operational performance and effective risk management. Ineffective or limiting tools can create obstacles for employees to fulfil their role requirements and meet expectations from the business. Providing the right tools and resources includes equipping employees with the necessary expertise, skills, knowledge, processes, and innovative technology capabilities to manage operational tasks and effectively identify, assess, and mitigate risks.

Overall, the ‘PROTECT’ acronym encapsulates the fundamental principles and practices for implementing a people-centred approach to risk management. It ensures the organisation is well-equipped to safeguard its interests and thrive in an uncertain environment. It’s a holistic framework that addresses various aspects of risk management, from individual behaviours to organisational processes and external factors.

Moving Beyond Old Mindsets & Thinking

Our approach is backed by years of championing a people-centric view of risk management across large corporations and all levels of government. Leading the charge as a Difference-Maker, we are revolutionising the mindset shift in risk management. Our founder, Lisa Sisson, affectionately known as the ‘Risk Rebel,’ opens minds by sharing her experience and knowledge transparently. Beyond directly working with clients, she extends her influence through:


  • Best-Selling Author: Lisa authored the acclaimed best-selling book “Risk Starts and Ends with People: Demystifying Risk for Executives and Leaders,” which details the PROTECT method.

  • Academic Expertise: She is a sought-after guest lecturer at a leading university, where she shares the PROTECT method and prepares future leaders in risk management.

  • Industry Recognition: Lisa was featured in ‘The Australian Business Journal’ as one of the ’20 Australian Women Making Moves in 2022.

  • Media Presence: She has been featured in top industry magazines and newspapers and has made live news appearances, providing insightful articles and commentary.

The Time For Action Is Now

If our message has resonated with you, then the potential risks of not taking action are too high to ignore. Don’t let time be the villain that exacerbates your organisation’s vulnerability to unmanaged risks. Take action now by reaching out to us today and starting a conversation. This is the beginning of your journey towards a more resilient and effective approach to risk management.