Clarity Workshop

Providing you with the lens to view the pathway between risk and opportunity

CLARITY delivers exactly that; a clear view on the optimal risk strategy for your organisation, based on your organisational identity.

Regardless of which sector you work within; your people touch every aspect of your business. People are your most important and valuable resource. They interact and navigate the challenges of the work environment, with your processes, policies, procedures, and technology, often referred to as systems. All of which can be enabling your people to be effective in their roles; or as we tend to see more often, could be impeding the abilities of your people being able to be effective in their roles. Which can mean the difference of your people being set up for success, or not.

Even with your best of intentions and decisions to provide structure and control to reduce the effects of certain types of risks, you may be finding your organisation being exposed to other types of risks through this process.

Often the control measures and approaches being taken are misaligned with what the business is promoting as their organisational identity, which is your purpose, values, and mission of the organisation. And your organisation’s identity is also what draws your people, your customers, and investors to the business. There is misalignment between what you are promoting and how your organisation operates.

This misalignment can create one of the biggest risks to any organisation, which is disengagement.

Many executives’ associate disengagement with productivity and don’t consider the risk exposure. When employees are disengaged, they are at best satisfied with the bare minimum level of productivity and focus.

Which is why statistic shared from Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report, that 83% of workers are not engaged or are actively disengaged, is incredibly concerning. Especially as it has risen from 2021 by 3%. This situation is getting worse, not better. It needs a change in approach.

When it comes to disengaged employees in the context of risk, there are three concerns:

  1. Lack of attention leads to errors, and ‘unintentional’ insider threats which is the most common type, making up two-thirds of incidents.
  2. A lack of situational awareness, they don’t even see there is a risk.
  3. A low ‘care factor’ if they do identify a threat or vulnerability, they see it as “someone else’s problem.”

That is why it is important as an executive, a leader and as a custodian of the organisational identity you represent to know if ‘your risk management strategy and approach is in conflict with your organisational identity?’  

Even though we use the term ‘risk management’, it is the ‘operations’ within any business, as risk sits within every aspect of a business. It is often a form of risk that has created the need for the introduction of systems, and many systems are impeding their people, unintentionally.   

And this is the very reason we created our ‘Clarity’ workshop, to determine if there is conflict and to provide a new perspective towards risk.  

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” – Joseph Campbell

clarity workshop - cave of discovery

The four pillars we cover in the Clarity workshop all interweave, which is why the Clarity workshop is unlike anything else available today. The pillars within the Clarity workshop also encourage your leaders to step forward and be courageous in their effort, and reflect the organisation’s values (for example respect, integrity, empowerment, and courage).

Our approach is to build a ‘safe zone’ to allow all workshop participants to feel safe, secure, and comfortable; and to be engaged, involved, included, listened to, believed, respected, and valued.

We will adopt an appreciative enquiry approach to our engagement, deliberately engaging participants to be part of the outcome. These are important steps towards building confidence and trust your team will deliver.

Why a Clarity Workshop?

The Clarity workshop covers four pillars that build upon one another:

• Purpose & Organisational Identity – Every organisation has an identity, a vision, a ‘North Star’. The most successful organisations have clarity on their identity – who they are, which drives their higher purpose and how they show up as a result. Your organisational identity is what often connects all your people, customers, and investors. Do you have clarity on yours? And is it real?

• Integrity – As leaders and custodians of the organisation, what we think, say, and do matters and makes a significant difference in creating either greater or lesser harm and suffering for ourselves and others, and the flow on consequences of the business. Clarify your current leadership approach and if this aligns with your intended leadership approach and legacy.

• Decision Thinking – The influences that form your decision thinking and actions, or inactions, which can have consequences on many, including employees and peers, customers, stakeholders, and investors. Identify where, when, and how decisions are being made as a leader and an organisation. Exploring the conscious and unconscious influences on decision making.

• Risk & Opportunity – Using the power of a people-centred risk and opportunity lens, to explore both sides of the risk coin (risk and opportunity) and how your decisions and actions affect your people and their ability to be set up for success. Understanding ‘how’ your approach risk management can be setting your people and organisation up for success, or not.

What’s covered in a Clarity Workshop?

This comprehensive session enables you to understand your organisational identity and evaluate whether your current risk strategy is in conflict with who you are and how your people behave.

From here we determine the optimal approach for your organisation going forward, including the role your people will play.

This workshop is delivered live for teams of up to 20 people.

Post-session we provide you with summary recommendations. A follow-up consultation will pave the way to our PROTECT Program, if appropriate.


  • Understand your organisational identity.
  • Clarify whether your risk management approach is aligned with or in conflict with your organisational identity.
  • Clarity on what the key driver of your current risk management strategy is – e.g. people-led, technology-led; process-led.
  • Clarity on the role your people play in your risk management strategy (alongside key driver).
  • A post-session report with summary recommendations.
    Plus a free signed copy of Lisa Sisson’s book “Risk Starts And Ends With People” for each participant.

“It is only by focusing on risk with and through your people, that are you going to truly solve your organisational risk exposure and drive transformational change.”

– Lisa Sisson

Register your Interest in a
Clarity Workshop

If you would like to understand the most appropriate path to clarity for your organisational risk strategy, please get in touch for an initial discussion.