Unearth attends Comms Connect Sydney 2014


Unearth Technologies attended Comms Connect Sydney 2014 at the Australian Technology Park, Redfern.

Even though the major Comms Connect events tend to take place in Melbourne; Comms Connect held their first event in Sydney.  It was a much smaller scale than Melbourne, but I am sure it will grow each year and similar to Melbourne, become a great place to meet and hear from those involved with mission and business-critical communications systems.

It was an opportunity to hear from speakers, like Rod Gilmour, chairman of the NSW Telco Authority, Shane Fitzsimmons AFSM, commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service, and others who shared their experience and insight.

For the first Comms Connect to be held in Sydney, there was good support from sectors such as public safety, transport, resources; and also from industry, with resellers and manufacturers promoting their new or improved technologies and solutions.

Unearth enjoys the opportunity to participate in these types of events to hear from customers regarding their challenges, but also how they use current technology capabilities available to them. That in combination of seeing what capabilities are currently available within Australia, assist Unearth in focusing on technology capabilities that can complementenhance and reduce technology limitations that are impacting customers.

Natural disasters are a part of the landscape of living in Australia, but how we prepare our communities, our cities, our infrastructure can result in our recovery and resilience. It is extremely important to ensure the communication between all stakeholders, especially to the communities is effective and two-way; and a common-language can be used in discussing risk and resilience.

Both the Minister and the panelists shared thought provoking insights at this official launch of the Risk & Resilience Program, which included discussion relating to the Special Report “Bolstering National Disaster Resilience: What can be done?”

Unearth is working with exciting technology partners who can provide effective and efficient capabilities and services that can assist the Australian Public Sector in meeting their desired outcomes.

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