Unearth attends Opening of ASPI’s Risk & Resilience Program

New Orleans Disaster

The Risk & Resilience Program that Paul Barnes of ASPI has initiated, focuses on examining options for enhancing national approaches to disaster resilience, and covers risk management, plus the wider issues relating to community safety.

Unearth Technologies attended the opening of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI) Risk & Resilience Program.

The Minister for Justice, Michael Keenan MP, who has federal responsibility for emergency management, launched the program at Parliament House.

The launch also entailed a panel discussion and included the:

  • Director-General of Emergency Management Australia, Mark Crosweller
  • Inspector-General of Emergency Management from Victoria, Tony Pierce
  • Inspector-General of Emergency Management from Queensland, Iain MacKenzie

Natural disasters are a part of the landscape of living in Australia, but how we prepare our communities, our cities, our infrastructure can result in our recovery and resilience. It is extremely important to ensure the communication between all stakeholders, especially to the communities is effective and two-way; and a common-language can be used in discussing risk and resilience.

Both the Minister and the panelists shared thought provoking insights at this official launch of the Risk & Resilience Program, which included discussion relating to the Special Report “Bolstering National Disaster Resilience: What can be done?”

Unearth is working with exciting technology partners who can provide effective and efficient capabilities and services that can assist the Australian Public Sector in meeting their desired outcomes.

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