Unearth the Voices of our Local Governments

Unearth the Voices of our Local Governments

Pre-floods in February 2022, we released a blog titled ‘It’s about people, stupid.’, where the opening paragraph was almost like the setup of a joke… “An engineer, economist, and a grazier walk into a PUB after a flood, the debate starts, it’s about repairing roads,...
Three risk myths busted

Three risk myths busted

The importance of getting risk management right means that it is the source of anxiety, and even fear, for those tasked with managing it. Getting it wrong can mean harm to organisational assets – or its reputation. It can lead to harm to employees or customers,...
Is Your Organisation in a Risk Vortex?

Is Your Organisation in a Risk Vortex?

In today’s business world, organisational risk is virtually unavoidable. Have you found that you are properly assessing and managing risk, or do you feel like you are continuously trying to get control? After all, your risk management strategy influences how your...
Courageous Leadership: The new future

Courageous Leadership: The new future

There is an enormous difference between a leader and an executive. When you think of an executive, you think of the job. Executives are in an official position, charged with managing the day-to-day running of an organisation. They make decisions, implement strategies,...