Unearth attends DFAT’s International Communications Network (ICN) Industry Brief

ICN Industry Brief



Unearth Technologies attended the industry briefing by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), to outline their five-year International Communications Network (ICN) Program, including modernising its core ICT systems and infrastructure.

The briefing, led by DFAT’s Chief Information Officer, Mr Tuan Dao, covered DFAT’s global communications network, which is a strategic asset for the Australian Government, linking its business operations at over 140 sites across the globe. It is critical for supporting Australian Government services, such as consular services, passports and visas, as well as the Australian Government’s domestic and international policy objectives, particularly in the field of national security.

The ICN Program will allow DFAT to deliver a more secure, reliable and cost-effective global communications network to meet rapidly evolving business technology needs of the Department and over 45 client agencies across the Australian Government.

In addition to outlining the ICN Program, the briefing provided an industry overview of the procurement process in relation to the Approach to Market (ATM) for the Wide Area Network Services contract, which is due to be released by the first quarter of 2014.

Unearth enjoys the opportunity to participate in these types of events to hear Customers’ challenges and also how they use current technology capabilities available to them. That knowledge in combination with determining what capabilities are currently available within Australia, assist Unearth in focusing on technology capabilities that can complementenhance and reduce technology limitations that are impacting customers.

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