Unearth attends the 2014 APCO Australasia Melbourne Conference & Exhibition

Public Safety

The theme for the 2014 APCO Australasia Conference and Exhibition event was Public Safety: Challenging People, Technology and Process.

Unearth Technologies attended the three day program (29th April to 1 May 2014) at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, which had a number high calibre local and international speakers, not to mention thought-provoking topics and expert panel discussions, plus insightful presentations.

Enabling Public Safety customers to effectively and efficiently, prepare, plan, identify and rapidly respond to specifically targeted security threats and events is a core focus for Unearth, as we know getting this right ultimately saves and protects lives, properties and assets.  It is all about protecting the things that matter the most.

The conference provided the opportunity to listen and participate, where there was a common focus on discussing not only the challenges faced by Public Safety groups, but exploring the work and advancements some departments, agencies and organisations have made around certain problem domains.

There were many great sessions throughout the conference that were thought-provoking, however it was the final session of the conference with candid insight and points of view on the topic of “Developments in Emergency Management arrangements across Australia” that became the highlight.  The expert panelists were some of the most highly profiled and regarded speakers within Australian Public Safety:

  • Craig Lapsley, Fire Services Commissioner, Victoria and Emergency Management Commissioner
  • Mark Crosweller, AFSM, Director General, Emergency Management Australia, Attorney General’s Department
  • Iain MacKenzie AFSM, Inspector-General Emergency Management, Queensland Government

Unearth enjoys the opportunity to participate in these types of events to hear from customers regarding their challenges, but also how they use current technology capabilities available to them. That in combination of seeing what capabilities are currently available within Australia, assist Unearth in focusing on technology capabilities that can complementenhance, and reduce technology limitations that are impacting customers.

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