Disaster Recovery Survey Results: Are current approaches working and still worthwhile?
Unearthing your voice matters to us. For months, the Unearth Team has been traveling to meet with experts in their fields and listen to their views
Unearthing your voice matters to us. For months, the Unearth Team has been traveling to meet with experts in their fields and listen to their views
Pre-floods in February 2022, we released a blog titled ‘It’s about people, stupid.’, where the opening paragraph was almost like the setup of a joke…
An engineer, economist, and a grazier walk into a PUB after a flood, the debate starts, it’s about repairing roads, it’s about restoring phones, it’s
So What? The most important tool and least asked question. Research, or rather, quickly google, the question “so what?” and you will find a range
So What? The most important tool and least asked question. Research, or rather, quickly google, the question “so what?” and you will find a range
4 Myths of Disaster Recovery: Time to Rewrite the Playbook With all the best of intentions, with all the current planning, for all the policy
Areas Where Older Firefighters Feel the Heat at Work Recent research highlights some of the common challenges experienced by older firefighters that can impact upon
Hosing Down the 8 Negative Perceptions of Older Firefighters in the Workplace It has been well documented that we have an ageing population, and this
Protecting those who protect us!
Wearing a uniform or holding a Public Safety responsibility does not automatically mean you are immune to the psychological impact of incidents and confronting situations.
The 2016 Australian & New Zealand Disaster & Emergency Management Conference (ANZDMC) had a number of sessions focused on the impact of a disaster at the human impact level; the individuals, families and communities, plus the often less discussed, first responders and support and relief workers engaged in the incident or disaster. They are the people being deployed to protect us and all that we value.
The Minister for Justice, Michael Keenan MP, who has federal responsibility for emergency management, officially launched the APSI Risk & Resilience Program at Parliament House, which included the release of the Special Report “Bolstering National Disaster Resilience: What can be done?”.
Unearth Technologies and our US based partner Haystax Technology Inc, a company that specialises in Public Safety Next-Generation Threat and Security Analytics, were shortlisted by the Innovation Hub Pilot Project’s judging panel.
Comms Connect hosted their inaugural event in Sydney provided the opportunity to hear from speakers, like Rod Gilmour, chairman of the NSW Telco Authority, Shane Fitzsimmons AFSM, commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service, and others who shared their experience and insight relating to mission and business-critical communications systems.
Public Safety: Challenging People, Technology and Process was the theme for the 2014 APCO Australasia Conference and Exhibition event, which had a number high calibre local and international speakers, not to mention thought-provoking topics and expert panel discussions, plus insightful presentations.
Unearth Technologies attended 2nd Police Technology Forum and reports on AWS updates in the Cloud Technologies panel discussion.
The Police Technology Conference provides an opportunity to share insights and developments relating to capabilities that are being trailed and developed for police forces with the intent to allow them to become more effective and efficient in the face of increasingly sophisticated organised crime.